In state of the union address by President Obama today, he talks about many issues and answers many questions that have been flowting around the white house. President Obama says that the recession might be over but the effects are still shown today. As 1 out of 10 Americans still cannot find a job, businesses have shuttered and home values have declined. It has also brought up the burden that American families have been dealing with for years. The burden for working harder and longer for less and being able to save enough for retirement or to help kids go to college. He brings up the issue about tuition and how its to expensive for the average American families to deal with. He explains a couple plans he has devised that will help the economy rebuild itself again. He has proposed a fee on the biggest banks, a fee to for the banks to pay back taxpayers who rescued them in their time of need.
My opinion is this, President Barack Obama needs to start acting on his promises. Do you remember what Obama said when he was running for President? That he was going to get our troops out of Iraq. Now its a year later and are our troops are still in Iraq. I dont know about you but I think he shoudl stop saying what he is going to do and actually go out and do it. He needs to realize that people voted him for president because they wanted change, they didnt want things to stay the same. I believe that Obama can change America, but he needs to try first.
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