In Saudi Arabia this past week a school girl was sentenced to 90 laches and 2 months in jail. The reason for which this girl is being punished is because a teacher said that the girl assaulted the teacher after the girl was caught with a camera phone. In Saudi Arabia camera phones are banned. The headmaster of the school described the girl as 20 years old, but Amnesty International says that she is only 13.This issue has caused a great uproar around the world. Amnesty international and other civil rights groups have been begging King Abdullah to pardon the young girl. But he has not yet replied to the people and has not pardoned the girl. He has said before that he will change the laws, but that was around a year ago, and people fear that the worst is yet to come.
In my opinnion this situation is very despicable, how can a younge girl at the age of 13 be sentenced to 90 lashes for having a camera phone in school. What kind of place can premote stuff like this, having 13 year old beaten for what! having a camera phone. How stupid does that sound. In Canada nobody would ever back this, and nobody would ever say yes to having something like this. King Abdullah needs to realize, is this something you want people to blame you for? Does he want to have this mark on him and his country, a country who beats children if they have a camera phone? This problem is completely absurd, and should be taken care of.
Good summary of the article... Just a few spelling mistakes overall. Also in your opinion, try not to be too biased such as by calling something "stupid". It was good otherwise.